AAiSS Online Nomination System (https://hkadcaems.com)
The 17th Arts Ambassadors-in-School Scheme opens for nomination now. The nomination process has gone online. Please follow the steps below to complete the nomination.
Notes on the Online Nomination System:
- For past participating schools, you may login the system to complete the procedures. Login details can be found on the invitation letter;
- For newly-joined schools, please contact Ms Jessie Kwok at 3959 3568 or via email (jessie_kwok@hkadc.org.hk) to obtain the login details;
- Each school can nominate 2 students and have maximum 2 teacher-in-charge;
- If you cannot provide all information at once, click the "Save and Next" button. All saved data will be shown during next login;
- Item marked with * is Compulsory Field. All Compulsory Fields must be filled before submission.
- Please ensure the accuracy of information input before submission. The online nomination will be closed after nomination deadline. No information can be modified afterwards.
SEVEN easy steps for online nomination: |
FIRST: Enter User Name and Password (Login details can be found on the invitation letter). |
SECOND: Basic school information has already been saved in the system. Please check if all information is up-to-date and accurate. If it is all correct, click "Save and Next". Teacher can modify or update the school information if needed. Please contact our staff if you have any queries. |
FOURTH: Enter details of the first student and upload related documents.
Required information of the student:
Upload related documents:

FIFTH: Apply for activity allowance (If applicable) and specify other arrangements (Only applicable to special schools). |

SIXTH: Recommendations from the school (Upload a separate file if necessary) and application for Arts Buddies (Only applicable to secondary schools). |

SEVENTH: Check all information entered in the summary part, declare that all details are confirmed by the principal and press "Confirm Submission" to complete the online nomination for the first student. |

For the nomination of another students, please return to the Home page and repeat the 2nd to 7th step. |
The deadline is 20 January 2025.
Technical support: 3959 3568 / 2820 1046
- Yes. Each school can nominate TWO students to be the arts ambassador of their school. Each nominee please fill in a separate nomination form and submit to the HKADC administration office.
- Yes, the nomination process has gone online from the 13th edition (hard copy of nomination would not be accepted);
- For past participating schools, you may login the system (https://hkadcaems.com) to complete the procedures. Login details can be found on the invitation letter
- For newly-joined schools, please contact Ms Jessie Kwok at 3959 3568 or via email (jessie_kwok@hkadc.org.hk) to obtain the login details
- For any technical supports, please reach us at 3959 3568 / 2820 1046.
- Each arts ambassador will take part in various kinds of arts activities. Including core activities the Creative Arts+ Camp and Youth Arts Week. The activities information and enrolment details will be sent by email or post to teachers. As a coordinator and contact person in the scheme, teacher-in-charge plays a vital role in encouraging arts ambassadors to actively participate in arts activities and to share the joy of arts to his/her peers in school.
- In addition to our announcement at the scheme website and facebook, teacher-in-charge and Arts Ambassador will also be notified with the latest news of arts activities by email. Some of the activities are limited in quota and distributed on first-come first-served basis, we encourage you to fill in a frequently use email address for better communication.
Q5. Is there any limitation to the interested artform of the student? What kind of training will the student receive?
- The nominated arts ambassadors can demonstrate their talents and interests in more than one artform. Instead of providing professional arts training programme, this scheme aims at commending the students with excellence in arts and encouraging them to “Live in Art; Thrive in Sharing”.
- The nominee is not required to enclose any photocopies of achievement in arts. Our staff will contact particular teacher-in-charge if needed.
- “Art services” refers to the experiences of student sharing the joy of arts and serving the society by means of his/her talents in arts. Examples include performing a music piece in an elderly community centre and helping the decoration of school campus.
- Yes. Each nominated student should attach artworks or activities photos in relation to your sharing for reference.
- Nominated students from special school division and students who are eligible for “Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme” or “Working Family Allowance Scheme”(Low-income Working Family Allowance Scheme) can apply for a $500 activity allowance to subsidise travel expenses, admission fees and other expenses for participating in arts activities. Subsidy will be disbursed by crossed cheque after students have completed the compulsory arts activities and the nominating teacher has confirmed the fulfilment of pledges on promoting arts at school by the end of academic year. Please submit the relevant supporting documents together with the nomination form.
- Activity subsidy will be disbursed via autopay after the nominated students have completed the compulsory activities.
- We do not limit the class of the arts ambassadors. We believe that every nominated student is of great potentiality in arts and is willing to share his/her experience of learning arts. Though arts ambassador may leave his/her nominating school, they can continue the spirit of sharing to the new learning environment.
- All the arts ambassadors must be nominated by the registered primary, secondary or special schools in Hong Kong. Including government schools, government subsidized schools, sponsored, private or international school. If you find a member of your centre has great capability in arts, you may recommend he/she to their school for the nomination.
- A student, who had been nominated as the arts ambassador before, cannot be nominated twice by the same school. The principal may nominate another student with excellent performance in arts.
- Each school can nominate two students to be the arts ambassadors of their school. The school may base on the following criteria by considering his/her artistic ability and potentials for nomination.
a.) Possess artistic talent and creativity;
b.) Show active participation in arts activities both inside and outside the school;
c.) Fully utilize artistic creativity and passion to serve people and society;
d.) Take the initiative to promote and share the joy of arts.
- Information submitted will be verified but no interview or selection exercise will be done.
- Primary and secondary session; am and pm session under the same school, each session can submit two applications respectively.
- To commit as an Arts Ambassador-in-School, all nominated students must attend the following compulsory activities stated in the nomination guideline, including:
i ) Creative Arts+ Camp
ii ) Youth Arts Week
- School must notify our administration office in advance, with the reason for absence in written form, if the student is unable to attend the activities, and submit art performance/ exhibition review within one month after the event.
- Content and medium of instruction of the arts activities will be mainly given in Chinese and Cantonese. We would try to arrange individual groupings with English instruction for non English speaking students.
- Sharing of arts is also a process of arts creation. We open the possibility of arts sharing in various forms to the talented arts ambassador to explore, in cooperation with the effort of teacher, parents and fellow classmates. In the previous years, some arts ambassadors had shared their experience of and views on arts in school newsletter, campus TV, assembly or personal blog. Some senior class arts ambassadors had collaborated with school associations and organised school-wide arts activities.
- Some of the core activities are particularly organized for the arts ambassadors. To facilitate the programme arrangement, we can only allow arts ambassador to attend the Creative Arts+ Camp. For special needs students, we allow parents to accompany the students if needed.
- Other fringe activities offered by the local arts group allow the ambassadors to bring with friends to attend.