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“Dress HK up: Eco-fashion” Design Competition Creative Arts Seminar
Thank you for your continuous support to the 4th Arts Ambassadors-in-School Scheme. This year, Art Ambassadors and students from 232 schools will team up and partcipate in the "Dress HK up: Eco-fashion" Design Competition to show their creativity and artistic talents.

To enhance students’ knowledge of arts creation, the arts advisors of the competition will host a Creative Arts Seminar for the participating teams. Students are welcome to attend the seminar to acquaint themselves with the competition details and guidelines before working on the artworks. Each school can send a maximum of 2 team members to attend the seminar.

//  About the Seminar  //
Date: 25 February 2012 (Saturday)
Time: 2:30 - 4:00PM
Venue: Innocentre (72, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong)
(Click map to enlarge)

Invitation letters have been sent to all participating schools by post. Please complete the reply slip and return by fax to 2970 3809 / 2824 0585 or email to aaiss@hkadc.org.hk on or before 10 February 2012. Please bring along with the reply slip for registration on the event day.

For any enquiries, please call 2820 1016 or 2820 1039.