"My changes after learning arts" — Yan Yee Lam
St. Rose of Lima's College
19 Jan
I was a timid girl in the past. I did not have confidence in doing anything. But soon as I knew my talent in art, I tried to develop my skills through actively participating in art lessons and competitions. When people admire my artworks, I feel proud of myself. We need determination to finish an artwork, since making art may be time-consuming and we need to do lots of research too. Having a strong willpower is very important.


I learned to listen to others’ opinions after doing arts. Like when doing large scale productions which require good cooperation between people, we should not focus on ourselves since other participants may have better ideas that we could not think of. We may get inspirations from others.


I joint an art carnival in 2010 where we were required to design our own costumes using one of the Five Elements. It was difficult, but an artist helped us a lot by teaching us how to use threads and special techniques to make a costume. Her talented skills had really inspired me to make clothes in the future. 


Yan Yee Lam